Iceland part 2


July-August 2019

This post is the second part of a series of photos and places we visited in Iceland. You can read the first part HERE.

Day 4

Ride to Myvatn lake

 Thermal field Hverir  - Krafla  volcano - Mývatn Nature Baths 

This is one more must-see spot in Iceland. If you want to feel like walking on Mars,  this is your place. The only thought that you are walking on a real volcano gives you goosebumps. It was a bit scary to walk on the very top of the hill, to be honest. It felt like you were walking on a living creature that are sleeping underneath. Your mission is just to silently tiptoe on it. Don't dare to wake him up!


Go to this Sulphur Created Pool And Areas In North Iceland. You won't regret.


After Hverir we explored the nearby places. Krafla volcano was one of them.

Although there are no people on this photo (bravo to my sister) the place was quite busy. 

The way was a bit off road so be sure to hire a 4x4 car.

Myvatn - Lunch time at Vogafjos farm resort

A very nice place to have a decent lunch. It's not cheap but it was worth it.

I even bought some volcanic salt as a present for my family and a kids' map about Iceland for girls.

Leave your luggage at a hotel and go to take hot springs here! So good! We went in the evening. It was pretty crowded but the pool is quite big so we didn't feel uncomfortable.


I never thought that the skin can be so nice after bathing. It's cold outside and so warm in the water.

Guesthouse Stöng and Cottages - Stöng, 660 Stöng, Iceland

A really nice cottage house to stay for one night. You are surrounded only by nature. There is nobody around you. 

We checked in in the afternoon, had some rest, took a sip of tea and then went to the pool to end our day.

This is what we saw in our way back to the cottage. The sky was pink and the reflection on the lake made a magic.

Day 5

Guesthouse Stöng - Dettifoss, Iceland - Selfoss Waterfall - Hafragilsfoss - Ásbyrgi - Húsavík - Geothermal Goldfish Pond - Akureyri

Grjótagjá. Hidden cave with hot water

An easy access to the cave from the parking lot. A beautiful cave with clear blue water. It is a small lava cave located near lake Mývatn. It won't take you long but it's good place to explore as well.

Dettifoss, Iceland, Selfoss Waterfall

A place where you will again feel yourself very tiny on this planet. A very powerful waterfall.

I found this place just by accident. It is a hot lake, can you imagine!? Not a touristic spot so there were only four of us. In the end we saw someone walking around. Park your car and walk a few meters to the water.

The boys went swimming and I just sat with my sister on the grass looking around. If you love extreme go to this lake :) 

Staying  - Bjarmó Gisting Apartment

This time we stayed in an apartment in Akureyri city. The city with heart shaped traffic lights. 

Day 6


Reykjafoss waterfall - Hvitserkur – black beach - Reykjavik

Reykjafoss waterfall


Directions how to get there can be found here (thanks to these guidelines we could find this nice remote place!)


You might get lost where to go but just go to the gates from the parking lot. There will be a viking sign so choose that gate. You go straight and finally see a sign with a name of the waterfall. It might look that you cannot enter there but basically the gates are for horses and other animals not to run away, as far as I understood.

Even I swam in this pond just next to the cold river and a waterfall in few metres!



Our last stop together with Sasha before we said good bye to him. We spend night and the next day in Reykjavik and then went for a few days to explore the country.

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